Sunday, December 28, 2008

Frosty's Demise!

We have had crazy weather here. Snow storm, rain, warm weather then a wind storm today. Frosty did not do too well under these conditions.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Here is most of the family at Carol and Frank's house. We "had" a white Christmas. It is now raining on Christmas Eve! We will be eating pierogis for dinner and going to midnight mass. Here is my snow angel! Merry Christmas to you all.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008

We will have a white Christmas. It started snowing last night so Nick and I will be building a snowman. We are in West Seneca, New York. John and I went on a boat with the Fired Up Sisters, on Sunday to watch the parade of lights. My photos didn't come out to clear. But this one of the San Diego skyline with decorated boats looks cool.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9,2008

I realize it's been a long time for me to post two days in a row. I had to share this picture. John had an MRI on Sunday and needed to be very relaxed for the procedure. Well as you can see Zanex worked just fine. He slept for 20 hours! Now we await the results.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday December 7,2008

What a great week. There were several celebrations of rebuilding and giving thanks. Friday was our Fired Up Sisters Christmas party so we finally have a group picture. Then on Saturday we had a Christmas event in Ramona. I've been gathering vintage decorations for the past month. It was well worth the effort when I witnessed several fire survivors find the items they once had. I too was the recipient of a found treasure. Two of my damaged angels now have new replacements, but I can't give up the old ones.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We celebrated our Thanksgiving in San Francisco with family. John and I drove up on Wednesday. Our sons and daughter-in-law went to the desert camping. We also celebrated my in-laws 44th wedding anniversary. All in all a lot to be thankful for. On our drive north we passed through a recently fire devastated area. We saw families sifting through the ashes that were once their home. Our hearts ached for them. I can't wait to be putting building progress photos on this site.