Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9,2008

I realize it's been a long time for me to post two days in a row. I had to share this picture. John had an MRI on Sunday and needed to be very relaxed for the procedure. Well as you can see Zanex worked just fine. He slept for 20 hours! Now we await the results.

1 comment:

Lisa Kind said...

Hi Janice!

I just got your card/letter today and decided to hit your blog. I haven't read all of it, but it's such a nice journal of your crazy journey! I hope all is well. Your family looks well and it looks like you have quite the support group there in CA! It's amazing how resilient we are when life puts us to the test. I wish I had known about your blog, as we do think of you often. Hope to see you soon.

Lisa & Kevin

PS...I'm on blogspot, too, for my card making passion. Hope you can take a peek!