Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29, 2008

We are VERY dull people. We are currently watching grass grow. The hydroseed is germinating and the hillside is coming to life. John is still investigating exterior wall construction so we can't move ahead until that decision is made. No news regarding John's health. The PSA level has not gone down and his urologist said the radiation probably didn't do anything. So we wait and wonder. I guess after a few more months of stability that would be better than seeing the PSA rise. For now the wedding is on the near horizon and we're excited about having a celebration.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 16, 2008

So, I was emptying Preston's water dish when I came across these two guys/gals. John had just taken off for town and I was alone. Preston went nuts trying to protect me. I managed to get them both with a shovel before they got us. My hands were shaking for hours after that adrenaline rush. The green hill is from hydroseeding. John and Nick put in a watering system. We wait for growth!

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 10, 2008

We are still in the San Francisco Bay area. Today Stephanie made another gourmet meal for us to enjoy. Here we all are. Grandpa took a nosedive into concrete a few days ago. We had a great time visiting. We'll be driving home on Tuesday.

August 9, 2008

What a treat! Bob, Ginny and Ashley Potts treat us to a cooking lesson and a fabulous meal. We spent the evening learning about Thai food and feasting on some unique dishes. We haven't been to their house in over 20 years.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 6, 2008

We are in a holding pattern looking into construction techniques. The latest is concrete exterior walls. The draftsman can't go ahead until we decide on a method. We are going to see a house near ours where the technique was used. Tomorrow we are taking a road trip up the coast. A small vacation before Nick starts school. We all need a break from the trailer compound. Of course John and I are taking things to work on but we won't be doing it 24/7. I started a bible study today in the book of James. In the first chapter it states we should be happy in our trials for we learn to endure and become stronger in our faith. I should be an olympiad of faith when I look back some day! Praise God.