Monday, May 24, 2010

May 25th Planning for hardscape.

The shotcrete was put in on Friday.

It looks like high pressure blown on concrete.

Here is the finished product as of today. We need to come up with a hardscape design so they can place the boulders and bring up the trees. My visionary brain cells are all used up!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20th Pool Rebar Complete

The rebar is finished and the shotcrete is going in tomorrow.

Preston LOVES THE DIRT. He's getting his summer haircut today.

May 19, 2010 WE HAVE FINAL!!!!!

The inspector arrived in the afternoon and signed us off. We are officially in the house. What a great feeling.

We connected the reverse osmosis to the fridge and were looking for leaks under the sink. I saw water coming out of the wall!! Nick had to climb up into the rafters to the far reaches of the attic to find and repair the leak. That's him wedged in the trusses. He had to dodge nails and fiberglass. What a trooper.

May 11, 2010 Progress Returns

Dave and Tracy are back. They are digging the pool today.

They completed the dig and dirt is EVERYWHERE again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 5th, RV'n across the midwest

Frank and Carol's RV.

Ribs to your heart's content!

Oklahoma City BBQ at Earl's Rib Palace

Frank, Carol, Janice and John in front of the reflection pool.

The Oklahoma City Memorial of the 4/19/95 bombing. The reflection pool is only 3/4" deep.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

I'll bet you thought we fell off the face of the earth. Absolutely nothing changed in April. Joe and Jen came up for some finishing work but that's about it.

I can't believe how much stuff the motor home can store. I keep taking box after box out and it's still full.
We got the pool mapped out today so I guess it is becoming a reality. I'm trying to get HDTV to help design my landscaping. They actually emailed me back for more info. What a kick that would be to have them come up here.