Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oct. 25 A Daily Prayer

It's Saturday so there is no "Thought for the Day" sent to me as a devotion. But, there was an email from my friend Nancy Knight. It was a prayer, one I have said almost daily since I received it about a year ago. I want to share it with you if I haven't already. I have changed it a little to fit my needs. I too believe it is the little things, done well and with great love that make the difference in life.

Lord, thank you for blessing me with another day to serve you. May I have peace within, knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be. Keep me faithful no matter what this day brings. Help me to recognize your blessings and to use the gifts you have given to me. May I be content knowing I am your child and you are always there for me. Let your presence fill me with gladness, thankfulness and praise. I am excited to experience your power living the day you have planned for me. I love you Lord.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OCT. 21st 2008 1 Year Anniversary

October 21st is the day we lost our house in the Witch Creek firestorm. The flag planted on our home site came from the Healing Field. It will be an annual tradition to use the flag as a remembrance of our history here. I wonder where we'll be next Oct. 21st. We still need your prayers for all that lies ahead as we rebuild. God Bless All of You that helped us get through the past year. I trust there are many more blessings to come and I will share them all.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Healing Field October 20th 2008

It is Monday morning at 6:00am. Last year at this time we waited anxiously to hear if our home was still there. The actual anniversary is tomorrow Oct 21st. but the Monday is when we heard the news. The flags represent the homes destroyed in the Witch Creek Fire. There were over 1,100 flags. Today we will pick up the flag that represents our lost home. Tomorrow I will display it where our home was.

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 11, 2008 LIFE GOES ON!!!

NICK IS 19 1/2. We celebrated his half birthday at the Skyshow. We obviously LOOK for reasons to have a party. Not much happening on the homefront rebuild. The first engineering bid was over 9,000.00 YIKES. We may get the walls up but not be able to finish or furnish it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Justine and Sam's Wedding 9-27-08

We had a wonderful week with our family. The wedding was perfect. Nick caught the garter so I guess we'll have another wedding to look forward to. All the guests are on their way home and we're back to our NEW normal.