Monday, March 3, 2008

March 3rd 2008

It's been over two weeks since I last posted. A lot has transpired since then. Some good news, some not so good. We have been praying for my brother-in-law Frank who is being tested for cancer. Then we get the news that John's cancer has also returned. It set us back emotionally for the past few weeks. The doctor is trying to determine where it is, then how best to treat it.
No definitive answers yet. Yesterday two architects from Rebuild Central came to our property. They will be helping us with designing the new house. It's hard to get the old house out of my head. The wind is incredibly strong today. The animal pen blew over during the night. Tigger and Preston were in the 5th wheel, good thing. Sam is moving my new laundry room with the tractor.

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